To be clear, I never had the opportunity to study with Arnold Jacobs. He was a master teacher of generations of successful brass musicians. I have "stolen" many of his ideas. I have picked the brains of more than a few of his students over the years and studied published articles as well as reams of notes from his masterclasses. If I have misunderstood, polluted, cross-pollenated, or otherwise distorted any of his precepts – so it goes – they have worked for me – as I understand them. Here are some resources to help explore his pedagogy – albeit secondhand. This just scratches the surface – find more.
Bass trombonist and composer, David Brubeck (third-cousin and namesake of jazz piano great, Dave Brubeck) has published an excellent 5-part article on The Pedagogy of Arnold Jacobs.
Brian Fredrickson's Windsong Press has a wealth of Jacobs books, articles, masterclass notes, – and gizmos! – some free, some for sale.
Arnold Jacobs: the Legacy of a Master: The Personal and Pedagogical Recollections of 31 of His Colleagues Students and Friends, collected by M. Dee Stewart, may be out print, but can probably be found. It is well worth it.
Michael Grose, Professor of Tuba and Euphonium and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, School of Music and Dance, University of Oregon, is the Curator of the YouTube channel, TubaPeopleTV, that presents a series of interviews with many of Mr. Jacobs’ former students.
See The Legacy of Arnold Jacobs, an interview with Michael Grose. is worth checking out.
Bass trombonist and composer, David Brubeck (third-cousin and namesake of jazz piano great, Dave Brubeck) has published an excellent 5-part article on The Pedagogy of Arnold Jacobs.
Brian Fredrickson's Windsong Press has a wealth of Jacobs books, articles, masterclass notes, – and gizmos! – some free, some for sale.
Arnold Jacobs: the Legacy of a Master: The Personal and Pedagogical Recollections of 31 of His Colleagues Students and Friends, collected by M. Dee Stewart, may be out print, but can probably be found. It is well worth it.
Michael Grose, Professor of Tuba and Euphonium and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, School of Music and Dance, University of Oregon, is the Curator of the YouTube channel, TubaPeopleTV, that presents a series of interviews with many of Mr. Jacobs’ former students.
See The Legacy of Arnold Jacobs, an interview with Michael Grose. is worth checking out.