"Blocked Buzzing" . . .
. . . is an isometric technique for embouchure development or rehabilitation. I find it very useful. I first learned of it from Lucinda Lewis's book, Broken Embouchures. She discusses it on her website here and points out ". . . it can also be used as a warm up, to get into shape, or to stay in shape while on vacation." Some call it the “hermetic seal” exercise. Different teachers teach it differently. I have a specific approach to blocked buzzing and incorporate it into my set-up drills.
Hold the mouthpiece between thumb and index finger and seal the end with the 4th (for my hand) finger. Place it on your lips as though playing and gently blow air – none should escape, either through or around the mouthpiece. To be clear, there is no actual buzzing. Do not tongue, do not puff the cheeks, do not blow from the torso, do not blow hard – just gently compress the air in your mouth (not in your gut) – and feel the seal or “gasket” formed by your lips. Hold for a few seconds and rest a few – repeat as needed. This will set, activate, exercise – and fatigue – the muscles of the embouchure. Do NOT overdo!
Hold the mouthpiece between thumb and index finger and seal the end with the 4th (for my hand) finger. Place it on your lips as though playing and gently blow air – none should escape, either through or around the mouthpiece. To be clear, there is no actual buzzing. Do not tongue, do not puff the cheeks, do not blow from the torso, do not blow hard – just gently compress the air in your mouth (not in your gut) – and feel the seal or “gasket” formed by your lips. Hold for a few seconds and rest a few – repeat as needed. This will set, activate, exercise – and fatigue – the muscles of the embouchure. Do NOT overdo!