The Orange County Rhythm Machine . . .
. . . and Wind Ensemble – or "Rhythm Machine" for short. This is the band that launched my career – a long, long, LONG, time ago, in a galaxy far, far, FAR away (behind the "Orange Curtain"). The photo is ca. 1972; the tracks below appear to have been recorded on somebody's Walkman in various live venues from 1975-78, so they're not studio quality. (Also . . . beer may have been involved.)
Left to right, top to bottom: Bob Cassens, Ron King, John Madrid, Pete Marchica, Don Dennis, Tom Baker, Jeff Apmadoc, Mike Gabriel, Bob Sanders, Lemoyne Taylor, Leo Potts, Mel Kunkle, Alan Remington, and Bob Skibo – and probably Johnny "Vatos" Hernandez hiding behind the cymbals behind Cassens.
Left to right, top to bottom: Bob Cassens, Ron King, John Madrid, Pete Marchica, Don Dennis, Tom Baker, Jeff Apmadoc, Mike Gabriel, Bob Sanders, Lemoyne Taylor, Leo Potts, Mel Kunkle, Alan Remington, and Bob Skibo – and probably Johnny "Vatos" Hernandez hiding behind the cymbals behind Cassens.